Hire A Millennial Virtual Assistant

The Role of Virtual Assistants in Achieving Harmony

John Marzan | Karen Po | Hire A Millennial Virtual Assistant | Virtual Assistants in The Philippines | How to hire a Virtual Assistant

Episode 1: The Role of Virtual Assistants in Achieving Harmony with John De Guzman, Podcast Writer & Marketing Strategist, VA FLIX, and Bree Fangonil, Client Success Manager, VA FLIX 

In their podcast episode, John, the host, interviews Bree about virtual assistants and their impact on stress reduction and creating harmony in people's lives. Bree highlights specific tasks that virtual assistants can handle, such as managing schedules, organizing data, and handling administrative tasks. How can we find the right virtual assistant who aligns with your needs and goals, offering key considerations and tips for the selection process? Some tools and technologies virtual assistants utilize for efficient communication and collaboration with clients are also discussed. Lastly, she explains how having a virtual assistant can really help anybody in achieving harmony. Listen to learn more!

Here are some topics that is also discussed during the episode: 

  • The common tasks virtual assistants handle
  • Success stories where virtual assistants made a significant impact
  • Explaining the agency's process of checking VAs
  • Challenges and misconceptions about hiring virtual assistants
  • Overcoming challenges through trust
  • Qualities to look for for when hiring a virtual assistant


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Get in touch with our Co-founder, John: 

John Marzan

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