Hire A Millennial Virtual Assistant

The Difference Between A.I. and Filipino Virtual Assistants

John Marzan | Karen Po | Hire A Millennial Virtual Assistant | Virtual Assistants in The Philippines | How to hire a Virtual Assistant

Episode 2: The Difference Between A.I. and Filipino Virtual Assistants with John De Guzman, Podcast Writer & Marketing Strategist, VA FLIX, and Anette Marie, Project Manager, VA FLIX 

In this episode of "Hire a Millennial Virtual Assistant," host John and guest Annette discuss the difference between AI and Filipino virtual assistants. They explore the concerns of AI replacing full-time workers and emphasize that AI should be viewed as a tool to enhance human skills rather than a threat. They highlight the unique qualities of Filipino virtual assistants, such as empathy, creativity, and adaptability, which set them apart from AI. The discussion covers tasks where virtual assistants excel, the training process for AI and VAs, and the importance of privacy, data security, and ethical considerations. Listen to this episode to learn more!

Here are some topics that is also discussed during the episode: 

  • AI as tool, not job replacement
  • Filipino VAs are for empathy, creativity, and adaptability
  • VAs excel in personalized customer support
  • AI in training? Is that possible?
  • Data privacy, bias, regulations
  • AI complements VAs for efficiency and productivity
  • Should we embrace AI?


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Get in touch with our Co-founder, John: 

John Marzan

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